Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Its all in the hips!

Ohhhhh - if you have seen the movie "Happy gilmore" you will giggle at the title, over the past few weeks I have strapped on a monofin and started learning how to use it, I have wanted to concentrate on getting the technique right.  Its actually very very hard to put the motion you see other athletes use, into practice, to try not to bend your knees, to bend in the middle and drive power from your hips while not "rocking" thru the water.  I have wanted to concentrate on the technique rather than distance to ensure i didnt learn any bad habits.

So today in the pool I said to Kerian ( who by the way did 150m after no training in recent weeks, surfaced and said " im back!!!" watch me, tell me what im doing wrong...and on my 2nd dive he said " that was perfect.....the turn was perfect, nothing wrong with it, your kicks looked very very good" - This comming from someone whom i thought would be my biggest critic in everything I do, but he didnt, he quite simply said it was perfect.  I was so excited!

So now, i will continue with the finer parts of the technique and work on distance.  I would like to be able to do 66m by time the November comp comes around - which will be 2 lengths of that pool ( we train in a 25m pool ) so im not sure what the difference will be to my swim.

Will post some before and after videos once they are ready :)

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