Saturday, April 5, 2008

HE DID IT...and oh by the way so did I!!

Ok guys and gals - the big news of the day is that "drumroll please" William Truebridge broken the current world record of Constant Weight No Fins taking the new record to 84m - wooohoooooo

Heres the article that NZ herald ran about it

And - for the other sensational news from the blue hole is that " even bigger drum roll please"....JoyC made a 6m dive - Whoop whoop - I was sooo bloody amazed, once I got my ears to equalise, i just went down and down, and then thought ok this is enuf, it must be 4m...and headed back to the surface - Kerian and Simon were there to great me, and they are saying "breathe joy breathe" and I was thinking oh come on it was just down there a little - how much did i do, and then Kerian burst into a big smile as he looked at the dive meter and said " Do you really want to know"when he said 5.9m you would have thought i just smashed Dave Mullins record the way i was screaming about punching the water etc.

Kerian had a rest day today, so along with Fran and Simon we decided to do some leisurely snorkeling in Turtle cove - needless to say we are buggered now, so its time for us to head off to bed and get some sleep - tomorrow we have 2 world record attempts to get through - fingers crossed for these wickedly cool athletes.

PS - ive updated more pics - so check out the latest ones!

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